вівторок, 3 листопада 2015 р.

5 Reasons Why You Should Learn a New Language

by Damian M.

Learning a new language might not be all that easy, but there are many benefits indeed. Many people learn languages for many different reasons, but here I will cover 5 fundamental reasons why you should open those books and get learning on a new language.
The first reason is because you'll have a lot more culture. People who have culture are people who are knowledgeable and who know their way around life. If you know another language, you'll be more cultured simply because this would permit you to travel more and you'll know the world better.
The second is because people will like you. People like people with knowledge, whom they can learn from, as long as you're not a show-off. People like hearing stories from other countries and from others, so by telling them about your travelling with your new language you may develop new friendships.
The third is because you'll discover so much. Not only will you be more open to a whole new culture, you'll be able to meet thousands of other people thanks to your extra language. No one knows where life will take us, and knowing this extra language might just make your life completely different.
The fourth is because you'll develop your mind. By learning you're exercising your brain, and so you should be faster at memorizing and doing simple mental exercises. When you learn a new language you need to put words and verbs together, which works your brain. You'll be very good at associating other things as well.
The fifth reason why you should learn another language is because it's fun. However, you need to make it fun. Learning a language isn't easy, but by enjoying the experience and turning it into an interactive game you can truly have a lot of fun. You can also learn along from or with someone else, which should be amusing for both of you.
There you have it – 5 good reasons why you should get a good course on any language and start learning. We all talk... I'll learn Spanish after I retire or I'll start learning this when I finish that... But if you don't get yourself a course now, then you most probably will never get one. Now is the time to start studying a new language, not later. You'll benefit from knowing this language sooner than later. So get those books out and start studying!

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