неділя, 17 липня 2016 р.

Cause of MH17 crash by Dutch Safety Board

The crash of flight MH17 on 17 July 2014 was caused by the detonation of a 9N314M-type warhead launched from the eastern part of Ukraine using a Buk missile system. According to American intelligence sources, the plane was mistakenly shot down by pro-Russian insurgents using a Buk surface-to-air missile (SA-11) fired from the territory which they controlled. Their judgement was based on sensors that traced the path of the missile, analysis of fragment patterns in the wreckage, voice print analysis of conversations in which separatist militants claimed credit for the strike, as well as photos and other data from social media sites. The Ukrainian government stated that the missile was launched by "Russian professionals and coordinated from Russia". Malaysia proposed a United Nations resolution to set up an international tribunal to prosecute those suspected of being behind the downing of the plane. The proposal gained a majority on the UN Security Council (11 countries voting for it, 3 abstaining), but it was vetoed by Russia.[

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