неділя, 29 листопада 2020 р.

UAtragedy - Holodomor 1932 - 1933

 On the fourth Saturday of November Ukrainians throughout the world are lighting candles in memory of the millions of people who died in Soviet Ukraine during the Holodomor-genocide of 1932-33.Holodomor (death by starvation) - the man-made famine planned and implemented by the communist Stalin’s regime in 1932-1933. It was genocide.

Joseph Stalin wanted to starve into submission the rebellious Ukrainian peasantry and force them into collective farms. The Kremlin requisitioned more grain than farmers could provide. When they resisted, brigades of Communist Party activists swept through the villages and took everything that was edible.

Despite Russia’s denial of the Holodomor, over the years Ukraine has always felt the support and solidarity of the international community in establishing the truth about one of the greatest crimes against humanity in the world’s history and in paying proper tribute to its victims. National parliaments and regional assemblies in many countries of the world have also recognized Holodomor as genocide.

Mourning millions of innocent victims of Holodomor who were killed by barbaric policy of the Soviet totalitarian regime, we stress the importance of remembrance and maintaining a firm stance in condemning totalitarianism, regardless of the colours it used, and strongly upholding the values of democracy, human rights and freedoms.